
Don’t Love Your Pet to Death­ – At Least Not With Food

On September 19, 2014

Don't Love Your Pet to Death

We all know that obesity in people is an epidemic these days. A 2010 Centers for Disease Control study found that 68% of adult Americans are overweight or obese. Not surprisingly, obesity is a terrible problem in pets as well. You may wish that you had someone controlling your food intake sometimes ­it might make dieting easier! Well, pets have us, caring for them, monitoring their food and treat intake, so there is no reason they should be overweight, and certainly not obese, right?!

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Cat Facts: ­Too Many Kittens

On July 19, 2014


Kittens and puppies! The things of children’s dreams!

It’s difficult to acknowledge that a society could ever have too many soft, furry, fluffy kittens and puppies. But most of the world has just that ­ an overpopulation of dogs and cats. Even in this enlightened age, millions of dogs and cats are euthanized in shelters each year.

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Water Woes for Waldo

On July 19, 2014


It is already promising to be a hot, dry summer. What better way to beat the heat than to pack up family and Fido and head to the lake, river, or ocean?! While enjoying family time and treating your pet to a fun outing, don’t forget there may be serious dangers your dog can pick up from the cool, refreshing water.

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Open House, Sat, May 31 – Everyone welcome!

On May 29, 2014


As a way to say thank you to all of our great clients, Wicklund Veterinary Care and Alder Creek Veterinary Hospital are hosting a joint Open House this Saturday, May 31, from noon to 3 pm. Please join us – all are invited!!!

We’ll be barbecuing burgers and hot dogs, chowing down on other great food and refreshments, offering tours of the hospital, having a raffle, giving away samples and other goodies, and enjoying great company!!

Bring your friends, furry and otherwise.

See you there!

Looking Forward to 2014

On December 31, 2013


As 2013 draws to a close, the tradition is to look back and assess the year: ups and downs, hits and misses, joys and sorrows.

I invite you instead to join me in looking forward. I am filled with much excitement at forming my own veterinary practice, Wicklund Veterinary Care, and hope you consider coming along for the ride. I have been overwhelmed by the support and kindness of colleagues, friends, former clients and family during this transition, and would love to share this adventure with you!

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